Baby & Toddler

book guide

We have used and loved Paper Pie books in our house since my oldest was a baby and we continue to love them now with our third baby! They are amazing quality and hold up so well. Below I’ve broken down some of my favorites by age and category to make shopping easy for you! Every few months, I will choose someone who has made a purchase through my shop to win a stack of FREE BOOKS! Every quarter, I will also donate books to families in need in my community, so you can feel good that your purchases are helping others in need of books!

Welcome to my little “bookstore.” 

If you make a purchase of $75 or more (before taxes/shipping), email a copy of your receipt to and I will reimburse your shipping costs!

Baby registry

Use this list to start building your book collection for when your little bundle of joy arrives! This list contains a variety of books including books with sound, sensory components, black & white pictures and simple stories. You will love reading to your baby right away and these books will give you plenty to choose from!


0-6 Months

In the first few months, babies need simple things to look at and engage with - think simple pictures, especially black and white ones. Babies also LOVE to look at themselves in the mirror. This book list contains books that will help develop your newborn’s vision skills and keep them engaged with easy-to-see pictures. Plus, there are some fun sensory & tummy time books in here, too!


6-12 months

At this age, babies are starting to engage more with the world around them. This list is full of engaging books with sounds, flaps and other fun things to keep baby entertained while also helping them to learn about cause and effect! 


12-24 months

Once your baby starts to develop language and words, having books with simple stories and words that you can easily repeat is so important. This list contains books that allow you to repeat simple words and phrases for your baby to attempt to mimic! Reading to your baby is the simplest way to help encourage language development, which is great for us, because it’s such a simple thing we can do consistently!


2-3 years

Once kids hit two, it can be hard to get them to sit for long to enjoy a book, so this list contains tons of titles that are engaging and require participation from your toddler. Flaps, sounds, stickers and more will keep your toddler sitting and enjoying reading with you for a little longer! Some of the titles on this list are still favorites for my 4 and 6 year olds!


Imitation Books

Imitation is a really cool way that babies and toddlers learn new tasks. They can imitate movements, sounds, words, gestures and more. This list is full of books that provide plenty of opportunities for you to use sounds, words and gestures to help your child’s imitation skills!

See the list

Daily Living Skills

Sometimes the simplest tasks that must be done everyday, like bathing, brushing teeth and going potty, are the things our kids hate to do the most! Reading books about those daily living tasks is such a simple way to positively (and discreetly) convince your child that these things aren’t so bad after all. This book list is full of books about all kinds of tasks that you and your family might do often. Hopefully these books will help make your daily routines a little easier!